Feeling a tad misty-eyed today. It would have been the 40th birthday of an ex-colleague and friend, Michael Roser. Mike was unfortunately in a fatal road accident earlier this year.
Just wanted to mark the event by writing a few short things about him and my memory of him, hope you don't mind reading them.
He was a slightly quiet, slightly grumpy bugger, but certainly a smart one. Very warm natured and close friend to those who stuck around long enough to see past his occasional scowl.
Always pushing himself, always challenging things, always learning, always sharing, always amazing. This shone through in his physical training he took part in, his technical work, his conversation about software and other things, his diverse interests (making wrist watches being one!), in fact nearly everywhere.
I always left with the impression that Mike's life was a huge training exercise to prepare him for something immense. And when it came, boy would he be prepared!
Sorry you left so soon mate. Far too soon for my liking.