Sunday 27 May 2007

Desktop Tower Defence

Lorna warned me off of this, but I didn't listen. The most simple of games, luring and addictive, give it a shot.

(hehe!! This feels like Halloween 3, with the silver shamrock egging everyone on to just try it. The consequences are horrific (but in a cheap sort of 80's horror way)).

Should you double unbracket when writing? I never know...


LornaJane said...

I didn't say don't play it, I said don't play it unless you are prepared to lose a portion of your life to it. Kevin wants to know if you have beaten his score of 6731 ... think that's a challenge :)

As for your punctuation question, well if you have double bracketed then it would be only polite to double unbracket, in my opinion

Anonymous said...

and end a sentence with a full stop.

Mark Aitken said...

There isn't a hope in hell I will beat that.

Not unless I spend another few days playing.. ;0)

Anonymous said...

Try this as well:


Mark Aitken said...


I ignored this link you sent Simon for at least a month. Then clicked it, and got hooked too.

Managed to get so far to around 12 (I think) bugs on the table. It's silly hard after that.