Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Interview questions, your turn!

I recently moved jobs and have been chatting to others who are going through the same pains.

There are a ton of things to think about when managing your way through the recruitment minefield. I have conducted a lot of interviews in my last post, and one that I find people rarely prepare well enough for is the last question asked; 'Do you have any questions for us?'.

If you are smart, you will have 2/3 questions you will have prepared. If you are lucky, you will remember 2/3 things you wanted to ask. If you aren't smart or lucky, you will come across to the interviewer as not really caring about the job.

So, to try to help all my budding friends through the minefield in some way, here is the list of interview questions I took into my interviews. Asked properly, you will be able to convince the interviewer(s) that you are fully switched on and very interested in the post.

Sorry for the long post, but I also wanted to have these here for reference when others ask me for suggestions like these.

(In the form Q (question) and R (reason))

Q1. Tell me about the competitive environment in which the company runs?
R. You want to learn if the company actually has a functional structure. Many companies have objectives set by CEO's, then middle management take their lead on the objectives, passing these down until the person who does the grunt work (usually you) doesn't quite have objectives that match the direction of the company. Stafford Beer wrote about something called the viable system model which describes a company like the human body. Information has to flow two ways to make the body work, discrete actions are performed in units of the body, etc. You can imagine. So we are here trying to watch for those companies which don't have this function and will leave you feeling perhaps rudderless. You may also learn how you fit into the organisation.

Q2. Describe the executive management styles?
R. Another way of asking Q1.

Q3. What are the current organisation / team challenges and objectives?
R. Easy to forget to ask, but you are actually interested in what your boss is challenged with. Her / his objectives are yours if Q1 revels a working organisation. You will want to know that the work you are doing can be quantified and measured, otherwise in 3-6 months you will not know if you are improving, nor will your boss!

Q4. How have the company goals changed in the last 3-5 years?
R. We want to find out the direction of the company. This is more of Q1, does management information flow within the organisation? Do people describe the goals in simple terms? Do they understand the direction and how it impacts, therefore can they anticipate direction and plan accordingly?

Q5. What will be my main objectives and responsibilities?
R. You need to remember to ask this, it's easily forgotten or skimmed over. Getting a simply, memorable summary toward the end of the interview is useful. Alternatively, if you think you have this clear in your mind, then take a moment at this point to recap what you think you heard. It will give yourself confidence that you understand the ask of you, and will tell the interviewer that you are listening.

Q6. How do you expect me to meet my objectives? What resources will be available to me?
R. This shows that you are planning to involve others to achieve things. People work best in teams or some form of collaboration. Even the smallest company of 2 people will tell you that you will have only each other and your network of contacts. Asking this question also shows that you are keen and aren't just waiting for the salary announcement.

Q7. What obstacles prevent these objectives being met?
R. This shows you are a tactical thinker and are keen to understand. It will hopefully get the interviewer to explain more detail of the job and perhaps a bit about the political landscape of the organisation. More than that, you may just learn the boundaries of the role if you listen carefully.

Q8. What is the timeframe to meet these objectives?
R. It's a simple thing to ask so you know if they are being realistic. Listen carefully here, if the objectives are unclear but you have a timeframe, stop and think about whether the interviewer understands what is being asked, that you understand what is being asked, and whether you think that this may hint that the company expects more than is possible. Some companies however will be driven by regulatory goals which usually mean aggressive timeframes.

Q9. What types of clients do you have?
R. Tells you more about the sustainability of the organisation and the types of work you will be doing. If a company spreads itself across markets, it should find it easier to rough out market highs and lows. Beware of the niche company.

Q10. How would you describe the culture here?
R. Simple, do you think you will fit? Ask them to describe their workplace and may tell you all about the types of people.

Q11. Who are your main competitors?
R. Tied to Q1. A good employer will understand that their competition will not come from purely the market leaders and upstarts, but from the larger companies who cross marketplaces well. In software, Microsoft is naturally a good example of this.

Q12. How do you encourage / reward staff and conversely how do you handle problem staff?
R. Every organisation will have processes for many things. Understand this one and you will see how the value staff, how they are able to tap into the motivational well of staff and help them achieve great things. You will also learn if they are an understanding organisation able to properly address development needs.

Q13. What is the 3/5 year business plan?
R. Does the organisation function, does it understand it's marketplace, does the plan do more than simply sell more, does the plan include staff in it (in terms of improving work / life, opportunities, etc.), do they in fact have any plan? It will be your choice as to whether you want to follow a company with no long term plan. It's not always a bad thing to have a short term plan, this will really depend on the market they work in or perhaps the division of the company you may work in.

Q14. How do you measure success?
R. Ties with Q12. You will have to decide if your success measurement is the same as theirs, do you share a view of success with the organisation? For me, I look for an organisation that measures success in terms of building relationships (internal and external), building externalised knowledge (that is knowledge that doesn't leave an organisation when a person does, building experience (that is after all what we all pay top dollar for), measures of collaborative success across business functions (Viable System Model again), and how they measure the softer side of things such as happiness of staff.

Q15. What is their own personal most recent success (or one from the organisation if you want) and what was the drive behind it?
R. You know that they would ask this same type of question of you, it is a really valid and strong question to ask your boss. You should hear really sensible, stand up reasons for the drive behind something, listen for the weak answer with little reason for the change and perhaps false / misplaced success. When asking them to quote recent success, watch their eyes... If they look up, they are more likely to be making up an answer, if they look down they will be more likely to be remembering an actual event (doesn't always stand true, but keep an eye out for it).

Q16. Where is the company weakest and strongest?
R. Simple question which should give you good insights. Drill into details here if time permits, or write down items for discussion at a later interview.

Q17. What do you do to attract / retain the right staff?
R. You are really playing a game here. By this stage in the interview, if you are still allowed to ask any questions, the interviewer will be keen to recap on how good they are. This question allows them to do that. It's a good bullshit detector question, getting them to repeat something they likely already mentioned.

That's it folks! Phew....


Anonymous said...

Interesting, some of those I would consider would put the employer's back-up a bit. If I'm not getting good vibes - I'd ask what their current staff turnover % is.

Mark Aitken said...

I think if you don't ask the difficult questions up front and get satisfactory questions, then you will be jumping into a job blind.

For sure though, you are right, some will get interviewers backs up. But that's exactly what they do to you in order to find out what they want about you.

"Where do you want to be in 5 years". I hate that question, but it's a totally fair question.

What I didn't really focus on much was discussing actually how to ask these questions. A degree of tact is needed, and they certainly won't be impressed by someone reading a script of questions. It's important to be as fluid and natural as you can with these questions and not come across as just asking them for asking's sake.

I wonder if they would tell you their staff turnover is and would they wonder why you asked? Would it be better to ask them how staff growth compares to company growth, or something similar which shows you the ratio of people to get things done versus things being done?

LornaJane said...

Si (hello, new nickname?) - I thought the same as you when I saw Mark's interview questions list but having recently been through the interview process I did try out a few of these and found them actually very engaging for the interviewer. Questions 1,3,5 and 6 all worked well for me especially as I was interviewing at web development agencies and that isn't my background. It was really interesting to see people talking "off script", potential managers quite often, I got a lot of insight from seeing people just talk about something - a bit like being an interviewer! That advice makes sense now.

My top interview tip is to make small talk or chatter, I managed to get into a conversation where it turned out a potential senior colleague was an ex-colleague of some friends of mine. Getting a personal reference through mutual acquaintances was really helpful, especially as they definitely helped steer me away from a disaster on this occasion.

Mark - your interview questions are great and I also want to thank you for spending time prepping me for interviews and also providing pep talks through the whole process. I'm three weeks into my new job and loving it so cheers :)

Anonymous said...

My point in asking about turnover, would be, as I wasn't getting good vibes, to find out why they're recruiting. Some interviewers seem to like making interviewees squirm, so I like to switch it around; I'm not a fan of ego-boosting interviewers, who feel that they're in a position of power and can do what they want.

Mark Aitken said...

Lorna - Thanks again for the nice comments. I'm encouraged to spout more stuff and hope it sounds OK! :-)

I think you hit on a very important thing I forgot to say. These questions are engaging for the interviewer.

Imagine you meet 6 candidates. The same questions will likely be asked because the interviewer tries to protect the candidates from having different impressions of the company to help selection. However if you come back with meaningful comments which engage them to think, they will start talking about themselves.

Now, when a person is allowed to start talking about themselves, all sorts of things happen. They hear their own voice (people love this), they start talking about themselves (people love this), and they get an audience who is listening (people love this).

The net effect? They remember loving the conversation they had with you. "Wasn't Simon really interesting? I thought he was a really excellent listener, asked me really intelligent questions and seem genuinely keen".

You will have come across as being different from the pack, and that's important. You've made an impression which should stick in their minds.

Then, develop the technique to engage with all of the interviewers. Their role in the decision making process will shape this (sounds like another post, the psychology of a collective interview panel!).

I think you've given me food for thought too. I'll try to organise my thoughts for a post on the actual interviewer's questions too. Kinda like what they say and what they mean (I love Gary Larson's style). Should be fun!!!

Mark Aitken said...

My point in asking about turnover, would be, as I wasn't getting good vibes, to find out why they're recruiting. Some interviewers seem to like making interviewees squirm, so I like to switch it around; I'm not a fan of ego-boosting interviewers, who feel that they're in a position of power and can do what they want.

I agree, that's what I try to do too.

I'm not sure that you can defend yourself against ego boosters though.

The role of the candidate is sales person for the first half of the interview, which then should swap around for the second half of the interview.

Trying to take control of the second part of the interview should give back most of the power to yourself. If they don't offer it, the question "I have some questions to ask too. When would be the right time to ask them?" should help them release their power.

I'll try to focus on the first part of the interview in another post though as I mentioned, because you are totally right, there are powermongers but there are also tricks to take some of the power back from them and get more out of the interview process.

I guess ultimately there are people who are new to interviewing or just plain bad at it. I suspect no amount of coaching can protect us from those people! Certainly not when they are also the decision makers.

LornaJane said...

Mark - the points about engaging the interviewer and also about actually interviewing could be posts in their own right as I imagine you have some insights to offer on both subjects. Definitely spout more - I look forward to it :)

Si - if the interviewer doesn't want to be engaged, or you're getting bad vibes, isn't your instinct to say "thanks for your time" and run for the hills?